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Tak for dette skønne broderi. Mit barnebarn er autist, og har været "kat" i flere år. Hun har sine ører på fra morgen til aften, så broderiet passe lige til hende.
Pose ti Ayas høreværn. Broderi fra Embroidery. com.
Broderi fra Ko
Broderi fra Pfaff
My beautiful granddaughter AYA, which I have written about. Infantile autism, provides some challenges in everyday life, but how I love the beautiful girl. Thank you again for your comments at the time, was right in the world did not end, but got
A little to the nursery, Aya loves cats, and she should also have one. Embr.Kreative Kiwi.
Kreative Kiwi and Embroidery Libr.
Kreative Kiwi
My beautiful, lovely and happy grandchild was on Friday asked the diagnosis Ifaltil Autist.Min world has gone black, can only cry.. .
From Basketkase.
Kreation by Kara