Some of the Cutie “oldies” have followed my grandson Joshua’s journey from when he had his amputation 7 years ago. He is now doing what he loves. He is in Rwanda at Lake Kivu laying pipes to carry methane gas for electricity. I am just so prou
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to brendaleas (Brenda Lea) from Missouri- USA on the 2nd of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sewingerr () from - Puerto Rico on the 2nd of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sewfrenzie (Diane) from Minnesota- USA on the 2nd of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to judybell (Judy) from Kentucky- USA on the 4th of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to buffy1 (Janette) from Arkansas- USA on the 2nd of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sunliner62 (Doris) from South Dakota- USA on the 1st of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mel08 (Melissa) from Alabama - USA on the 1st of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to yvonnevanwerkhoven (Yvonne) from Pretoria- South Africa on the 1st of December
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to drcindyl (Cindy) from California- USA on the 30th of November
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to lindaavolio (Linda) from Pennsylvania- USA on the 28th of November
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to patsy28 (Patsy) from Louisiana- USA on the 28th of November