I just put a new garden flag at my front walk. He is from a set of "drunken roosters" that I have had for years. He was to have white feathers, but I just did the outline. He replaces my "mule xing" flag that was faded. Isn't he cute? I'm havin
What do you think of this one???It was Digitized By Vicki(basketkase)She gave me permission to play with her design Soooooo i did a wee towel.Like my facy stitching around it all??Playing with my machines nice designs Thanks Vicki:):)( sorry i am not a gr
Garden Flag Dk green burlap fabric. K is from S.G. and not sure where the pumpkin and spider came from. Made this for daughter's b'day and bought her the iron stake to put it on. Finished size is 19"LX 15"W.
Carolyn started the trend of camper flags - this one is for my friends (neither of which is like a dragon) who have this Celtic dragon as a decal on the side of their camper.
I to been working on my flag for @ camp but mines not done yet .I am looking for a large camper with push outs to sew under the name but haven't found one yet??Thats big enough Buts here it is so far.Hugs Carolyn