A few weeks back there was a discussion about comenting on outdated freebie links and bringing them back to the top. Now someone is doing it again with links to their website.
I just got my SICK newsletter and discovered that my Mother's Day memory is among the stories published. My mother had a wonderful sense of humor and that story never fails to make me smile.
Designs by Sick used my scrubbies project in their newsletter today and I get to choose a free design. Lucky me!
I used today's applique freebie ( the strawberry) to make a dish cloth scrubby and it turned out to be one of my favorites.
need a design to match
I have a question. What are angelina fibers that I have seen people referring to recently?
Birdies for Spring
If you are not trying to get another applique from Cuties please vote for the fruit on page 7 under Appliques, latest designs? I don't know how to post a direct link but it is easy to find. Thanks
Lets all vote for the strawberry applique on this site and see if we can make a strawberry dishscrubby with it.
apple dishscrubby
Has anyone tried the ITH dish scrubbies that SICK has? I did the butterfly that was a freebie. I used a barmop and I am mostly pleased with the way it turned out and it will be useful. However
My first project with my new machine
After being down all day DBS is online again but some of the stuff still isn't working, how frustrating!