When you go to the site to vote for cuteembroidery there are numbers on the right side of the page. Can anyone tell me what these numbers signify?
curling iron sleeve
On day there was a cutie commenting on how she was not able to download from EMS Cross Stitch Board because it said she had reached her daily limit even though she had not downloaded anything.
Has anyone done a cost comparison between pre wound bobbins and wind yourself. I have never keep track of how many bobbins I get from a spool of bobbin thread.
quilt for baby
The other day someone was asking about buying velcro. Today I got some at Walmart and it is the most inexpensive that I have seen. Each side ( hook and loop) is 3 ft long by 2 inches wide.
A few days back a Cutie posted a picture of a lace bookmark from DaintyStitches that didn't hold together for her. I tried that design twice (even put extra stabilizer on the 2nd time) and it is a
Does your computer eat things? I know I downloaded every letter in the funnybear font except the #8 which I downloaded in the wrong format. Now I am missing the H, J, and Y. I've looked everwhere
Has anyone seen any free frog designs that would go with the frog font? There are some on Amazing Designs for only $1 but the site reguires a $5 minimum purchase
Please vote for the funnybear font number 8. That is the only one that I don't have. Thanks
woo woo, the Q is up!!!!!!!!
I am missing some letters from a zoo alpha. The file starts with CEJA. Does that sound familar to any of you Cuties? I don't remember where I got it.
I downloaded the funnybearfont 8 in the wrong format and by the time I realized my mistake the next number was up. Please vote for #8. Thanks
Yesterday when I was checking out the freebie pages I came across several designs of "cutsie" dragonflies. They were not freebies but could be purchased as singles.
Baby Bibs