Another retro design, Birds in a car... Not sure if I like the birds heads or not. Do you think there needs to be more definition between the two birds? My red thread kept breaking on me while stitching this one out.
Another Retro Design, These pictures were on a wall back home and the original pics were so badly deteriorated. I took pics of them and a friend has been helping. Pretty soon we will have all of the images digitized and I can begin my quilt project.
Another of my Retro Designs Retro Drummer I posted this once, but the picture didn't here it is again! I am making a quilt with all of these retro images, I am still working on them. This design still needs to be tweeked a bit
Another of my Retro Designs Retro Drummer I am making a quilt with all of these retro images, I am still working on them. This design still needs to be tweeked a bit.
Pocket Bulldog design on a denim jean pocket.
The Graduate Another of my retro birds that I am using to make a quilt. I'm going to tweak it just a little bit and it will be perfect!
Another Bulldog Pillow Here is my second Bulldog Pillow, made with denim for the case and a cotton applique.
Bulldog Pillow<br /><br /> <br /><br /> I just finished this. It's going to be a pillow for my room....I love Bulldogs! This is just the front panel of pillow made with tan fleece with a satin-feel 100% polyester applique. The back is going to tan
RedBird This is digitized from a picture that was painted on a wall in the 1950's. There are 10 different pictures and I plan on making a quilt with these designs. This is the first one.
My first Tote bag...boy it was hard getting this thing hooped! How do most of you embroider on tote bags? It turned out nice, but I should have used a larger design.
My Very First project! I have had my Brother PE770 embroidery machine for 2 years and was too scared to take it out of the box! A few months ago, I got a Brother PE500 machine for free and decided to try it out...I used it to make this set of napkin
I made a set of napkins for a wedding gift! Turned out nice. This was only my second project I made with my embroidery machine. Design by Embroidery Library
My first ITH bag! I did this with a pattern I found online. I basically only did part of the pattern...I used it for placement of zipper, but I didn't use the patchwork parts. I just used the placement stitches a few times. It turned out pretty go