Embroidered Necessity - Irina Coaster
I just received a notice that Emblibrary will publish my Tip of the Day. http://www.emblibrary.com/el/elpr...
This is the latest news bin Laden is dead. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42852...
One of my Aunt's shared this with me and I felt that I needed to share it with you as well:
'Are you God's wife?'
April 18, 2011 - today is Rick and my 10th Wedding Anniversary - we are so pleased to have gotten through this last year - it seems like 10 all by itself - Hehehe! We are so blessed to have had
Here is the newest craft - knit you own Royal Wedding:
Its All About the Green Thing By Jim Knowles In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that plastic bags werent good for the environment.
Today, April 6, 2011 Emblibrary published my Tip of the Day. http://www.emblibrary.com/el/elpr...
Can you imagine making a bag in the hoop - you can - if you have one of the larger hoops - go here:
You know how we all collect designs and other things in our lives - well - here is an article that you might be interested in - I don't know that it address the issue that we have with design
This is an amazing and inspirational story - get the tissues out - just in case: http://www.godvine.com/Injury-Tur...
Happy Birthday simplyrosie (Teri) from Texas-USA - Friday, March 18th.
Let's talk embroidery - what is on your mind? What new technique would you like to share with us or learn next? What is the next project you are going to be working on? Do you have your Easter
Good NEWS: I like most of the world have been watching the devastation in Japan - I have been praying all day for those that have lost loved ones and are trying to deal with what has happen -