My dear CUTE family - today I have been watering your flowers - so you should see them growing and growing. I hope you have noticed that little burst of love coming your way! Hehehe!
Yesterday - Rick and I spent the morning at the U of U - trying to get his filter removed - AGAIN - they didn't - once more - he had too many pieces of clots on the other side of the filter - to
I brought Rick home yesterday - YIPPY! We did have another day - with waiting to take the filter out - they ended up waiting - as there was an emergency - so he will have to have it removed >>>>
Well, my dears - it has been much too long since I posted last. Rick didn't get the filter taken out last Friday - they found a blood clot on the other side of the filter - so it was doing it's
Just dropping in for a minute to let you know - that Rick may need some more prayers - they were going to take out the filter they put in on the 22nd last month - but took another C-Scan and >>>>>
I felt this should be posted here, too:
March 1st, 2010; UPDATE:
March 1st, 2010 - UPDATE: Rick has had a couple days back in the rehab unit and he seems to be doing very well - now that they have his blood thinned and getting his suger leveled some - he is
UPDATE - UPDATE: There are taking Rick to the Critical Care Unit - we will need your prayers, for this - thanks!
UPDATE: Rick is at the University of Utah - they admitted him - this past Wednesday, February 17th - then he had the fall and hit his head, he is prgressing in his recovery pretty good - I have...
ATTN CUTE FAMILY: We got Rick transferred to the University today around 5 PM - but by 7:30 PM - one of the CNA's allowed him to sit on his own and he fell and hit his head - needless to say - it
ATTN: CUTE family - it is with a heavy heart that I come to you in the wee hours of the morning - I see that Teri posted you about my Mother's passing. She and I have had a lot to share with
Update in personals.
Thank you one and all - I don't have the time - to individiually thank you each - but I wanted to let you know - we have felt your love and support and your prayers - however at this
PLEASE read Personals!