T-shirts for my GS
Just having a quick peep into Cute. We arrived back home this evening from our visit with my daughter and family (which increased by 1 new GS during our stay!!). Have been in transit for 24 hours,
My new grandson, Jake, arrived on Saturday (20/09/08). He is gorgeous. He weighed 3.95 Kg (8lb 11oz.) and his length was 56cm. We still have 2 weeks left here in the UK with my daughter and family
I may not be around much over the next month. We leave for the UK tomorrow to visit my DD, her DH and my GS. Her new baby is due Sept 10 (next Wednesday). We hope to get there before the baby
TP covers
I did the reversible quilt class with Sharon Pederson last Saturday and she then stayed wih me for a few days. While she was with me, we had the biggest storm we've had for 7 years.
Cassandra has now got days 23 ready for downloading http://www.cassandrasembroidery .com...
I'm having trouble getting into the website. I get a screen about being powered by Apache and the only way to access the site is to google 'cuteembroidery' and enter the site via a posting in the
Now all the avatars have disappeared and I just get the person's name instead!!!
What is happening? I have not been able to access the site. Had to google and enter the site via a post in the community section. If I try to click 'home', I get the same message I've been getting
Lady in the bath
Tote bag for a teacher - other side
Tote bag for a teacher
Just noticed how Marymoore is climbing up the ladder on the community board. You go girl!!
Congratulations to Letvia for 10000 flowers in the 2nd column, Ruthie for 9000 flowers , Raels for 6000 flowers in 2nd column and Auntbaba for 5000 flowers in 2nd column, Whew such a lot of