Have any members tried downloading this design... http://designs.cuteembroidery.com... when I do, I get a monkey! lol...He's cute, but I wanted this adorable little cat.
JROB-I asked Veronika if they would ever consider making Judaica designs... like the Torah, Star of David, etc... as well as items representing the High Holy Days. Would you forward to her? xoxo
Well Jrob, I sent Veronika a question again and still haven't heard back... I even checked my email filters (trash), etc. :-( Maybe it's me! lol...
Am I losing my mind, or did I not see a giraffe design on this website? Am I thinking of somewhere else? Coffee, I need coffee!
Hi girls...don't forget that today's the last day for the $1.00 sale at Embroidery Library! http://www.emblibrary.com/EL/Sale...
Do any of your girls digitize vector images on the side for an affordable fee? I need something done (an Ohio State design) and I don't have SW yet. ugh! Hope I'm not 'breaking the law' asking.
I think it would be fun to learn a new word every day in the languages of our homeland (or language we learned growing up)... what do you think? How about today's word being "HELLO or WELCOME".
Hi girls... I voted today for CUTE... but may I ask... why am I doing this? lol... I see we're #5... okay veterans, would you please explain? xoxo to you all!!!
I got this email... makes you really think!
HI girls... I know I've asked questions about Embird and digitizing software...but what do any of you digitizers think of Edit n' Stitch and Digitize n' Stitch from Amazing Designs?
Good morning, would an of you happen to know where I might find a 'bullet' design? I'm embroidering a set of pistols on the front of my boss' gun shirt and I'd like to put a bullet there too...
Good morning my 'cute' family... would you Please, Please, Please vote for the "berry font" letter T as in Thank you! xoxo
Hi girls, What's the best digitizing software to purchase? I also want the ability to digitize true type fonts AND don't want to have to sell my blood to afford it... any ideas? Let's chat...
Hi girls.... was wondering if you could all populate your profiles with your locations (at least countries). Would love to know where all my new girlfriends are located! Blessing everyone...xoxo
Would anyone know if Cute Embroidery is affiliated with Amazing Embroidery Designs? I've emailed both websites twice and never received a response. Thanks ladies! xoxo