Can I find out who has sent me a flower?
Well it's back to the repairman again! 2nd time in 2months. I sure hope they fix my 'frozen screen' problem. Has anyone else experienced a white screen?
What time is it in your part of the World. 'Daylight Saving' starts today here in South Australia. It is 9.19am on Sunday 3rd Oct. and getting into warm Spring weather,xx Vickiannette
Hi, well further to the Pfaff 2140 problems-the knife blades will not work at all now. The reason the machine got sent to Adelaide was that the knife got stuck on, and the motor jammed.
What should I do? My Pfaff2140 has been to the repair man. Took a month and 350 Aussie dollars to fix but still is not right.
Geisha wallhanging
I would appreciate some tips about the process of embroidering "buttons"- sincere thanks
Can anyone tell me why? in the Pfaff VIP emb. program, when I rename the stitchfile it turns from a blue stitch file icon, to a red read only file (which then cannot be stitched) Vickiannette.