Jean Skirt tote bag
I'm so excited! I am getting my serger today! I have been wanting one for years, but have been putting off getting one because I really don't know how to use one, and I wondered how often I
Spruced up Jean Jacket
Has anyone ever had to contact Stitch Delight for anything? Just wondering how long it takes them to get back to you. I ordered several sets yesterday, my payment was confirmed and I got the
It is so humid here that my WSS is limp. I have tried to find a drier place to store it but the humidity keeps creeping in to every place. I don't even want to try stitching on it because I think
Fishing Tote Bag
Towels for a friend
Throw Pillow for my daughter
I have questions about sergers. I've never even usedone,but I would like toget one. Are they difficult to learn to use? Of course, I'm on a budget, so I'm looking for something inexpensive. I saw
I don't know how I missed it,but I missed downloading the S in the red rose font. I know that I have checked that site every day, so I don't know how I missed it. I'm just curious if anyone
A bib for my...
2nd Attempt at the Last Supper
The Last Supper Cross Stitch
Does anyone else have the design for The Last Supper, that appears to be FSL?? If so....I could use some information. I don't even remember where I got the design from, and I have no
FSL Ornament Covers